My Tunes

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cows on the lawn.

Echo is continuing to improve. He even approached me for a kiss when I opened the gate. That is a far cry from not too long ago when he would stand at the far side of the corral snorting at me. I try to spend time with him at least twice a day. We have been also working (hanging out) in the moonlight. He really enjoys company at night now that Wildairo is out and about.

Today I was able to go from one side of him to his other repeatedly without having to go through the nose wrestling and dancing around ritual. I hold onto his nose band and when I'm at his side stroking him if he starts to turn I shout out, "Eyes front soldier"! That makes him behave.

The other morning when it was down to about 10 degrees F (-12 degrees C), Brad got up and announced, "Cows on the lawn". I always enjoy a little cow action first thing. I went out in just my jammies to take these pictures. It wasn't until my camera malfunctioned I realized how cold it was.

Our normally calm cows are different creatures when they are on the lawn. They know they shouldn't be there.



I saw the ring leader mooing out orders and quickly snapped her picture as evidence.

It was about then I realized it was my own dear Dandylyons!

The next morning I was awoken by whispered moo's coming from below my bedroom window. I let Brad sleep a bit longer and then told him, "Cows on the lawn". He leaped into action. I watched him from the comfort of my bed as he walked in circles around the house below me. The cows were just staying ahead of him and his cow chasing stick. Around and around they and beast. I snuggled for a while longer before I went down to help. Soon as the cows saw 'back up' arrive they walked right back into the meadow. Later we saw a large family of deer on the lawn and watched them as they mangled the electric fence...mystery solved.

I like it when the cow mow down the weeds around my garden, I just wish they wouldn't cover the lawn in cow pancakes.


Lea and her Mustangs said...

Arlene, I laughed until I almost fell off my chair. Having a few cattle, I can just see them running around and around. Thanks for a good laugh. Oh, did you get someone to sign the paperwork for Echo or should we make a date to come down?

Linda said...

Quite funny! I think that top cow is flying! I hate it when deer brake down the fence--at least it's just the cows getting out and not the horses.