My Tunes

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Swathing the meadow.

Here's William cutting the new stand of alfalfa with oats as a cover crop. Brad and William seeded this in July and it grew pretty heavy.

So heavy in fact that the swather got plugged up a few times.

Teddy was only allowed to play around the swather when it wasn't running. Dogs love windrows!

Wildairo ignored me when I was standing at his fence with carrots and a muffin. He was pining for his comfort cow and wouldn't even look at me...... so Echo got his carrots as well as his own. Brad ate the muffin.

I don't let Echo bite into carrots or apples when I'm holding them. I give him bite size chunks. So here he is licking the carrots.....such a good boy. (Well he would have bit them after awhile if I let him).

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