My Tunes

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wildairo gets a new friend.

Saturday was Wildairo's special day. It was the day he started his training on how to be a good ranch horse. The cattle will need to moved into his pasture soon and he has to get used to cattle because I don't want him chasing them. Who better for the job than Dandylyons, the old cow widow.

As we made our way through the cattle, a cow wanted me to meet the calf she gave birth to the day before in the pouring rain.

So we had the naming ceremony; "In the name of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I name you Rain, daughter of Selma Pointy Horns. Live Long and Prosper"!

Well that made someones day!

And so Dandylyons was turned out to teach a 4 year old mustang the ropes. It was a job that was supposed to be her dear late husband's.

Wildairo seems polite.

They both eat out of Brad's hand.

Levin, daughter of Daisy, granddaughter of #11 our herd founder, wanted to go out too.

Dandylyons takes Wildairo out into the sagebrush.

Wildairo tries to chase her but it's not as much fun as he hoped. She turns 19 on Tuesday and her stampeding days are over.

Soon he discovers they have some thing in common and they decide to hang out.

At dinner time I noticed he wouldn't share his food with her. He put his ears back and for the first time ever I saw her back down. I felt very sorry for her. In the dark I picked up a clump of dirt to chuck at Wildairo in case he needed sorting out..but I don't think it was dirt. lol....

1 comment:

Linda said...

How sweet--a new friend for both. Wildairo seems good to her, too.