My Tunes

Monday, January 17, 2011

Maple lives!

When Brad came home from his trip, he was impressed with my containers of water all over the house, but not enough to want to live without running water.

The next morning he got to work.

He said he'd put new pipe around the sugar maple if the leak was right under it, instead of damaging it. So I didn't have to chain myself to it. Luckily the leak was a few feet off to the side and only one root was damaged.

The leaks were exposed when I turned the pump on for a second and the water shot out. Here the pump is off but it's still leaking. The last time this pipe saw daylight was over a hundred years ago.

Here he saws out the diseased section.....

...and repairs the old pipe with a section of new modern pipe.

He refills the hole and replaces the scalped bit of the lawn and it looks as good as new.

We have been having temperatures as high as 55 F and all the snow is gone. The frost has come out of the ground, but not before we had horrible mud everywhere.

A job well done Bradley!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Yay! Thank God for husbands!!