My Tunes

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The horse with no name is coming home tomorrow!

Tom from the BLM called and told me my new wild Mustang will arrive here tomorrow evening from Burns in Oregon. They received his blue halter and lead rope.

I'm so excited!!!!!

Mean while back on the Ranch:

Wildairo and I spent some time training alone yesterday evening. He's calm around me. I reviewed the tapes from Sundays rodeo. He kicked and bucked when Brad was leading him but with me he just ran and pulled till he saw it was me the other side of the rope.


This is my ten step program to 'Towel Break' a horse. I chose an old Thomas the Tank Engine towel, but any large towel will work. Just don't use anything pink or flowery with a boy horse.

1. Show him the whip with a rag on the end again.
2. Put the towel over the whip, spread out like washing on a line.
3. Show it to him and wave it about. (Wildairo sniffed it).
4. Let it touch his shoulder. (Wildairo bit it).
5. Put the towel over arm the same way and let him sniff it again.
6. Bunch the towel in hand and rub his face with it.
7. Rub his shoulder the same way. (Wildairo jumped a little bit).
8. Carefully put it over his withers.
9. Pull the towel slowly over his back like a saddle blanket.
10. Walk him around till he's relaxed and falls asleep.


Just a bit of Mustang fun!


nikki said...

Wildairo is such a good boy! Can't wait to hear about the new guy and see some pictures! I bet you wont get much sleep tonight thinking about it! ;) It will be interesting to see if Wildairo seems to recognize the new one too...

Linda said...

I can't believe he's coming so fast. This is going to be fun!!